27 December 2005

Now it's not Christmas

Sometimes you just have to go slowly. I need Dad and Frances - and me - to find out how their long-term care insurance works; what it covers, how you 'turn it on', what happens when one of them qualifies for a benefit but the other doesn't, etc.

I cleared the idea with each of them 2 weeks ago, when Frances was hospitalised with her DVT, her clot. Finally tonight Dad asked if we have an appointment with the insurance lady this week - so I know it's okay to call tomorrow to make the appointment.

Then we had an unbelievable conversation about looking at care facilities - so everyone knows where they'll go when they decide they're ready (which was last year, according to most friends). Frances said she doesn't want to go driving around looking, besides they know about lots of them. And I guess the field is narrowed to 3 or 4 - which will make it easier, eh, Henry?

And on another side of the business of returning (19th January) to my life in England, I learned today that my Explorer will get me $2200 from the dealers. Shucks, that's only a cost of $2800 for driving it since August (when I bought it for $5000). $560/month - less than it would have cost to lease a car?! Humph. Ad goes in the paper tomorrow! Surely I can get more in a private sale?

Now that it's not Christmas, all I have to do is divest myself of this Kentucky life - car, apartment, parents.

Henry says it will be okay....


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