14 February 2006

14 February 2006

A day like any other day....

Seems to me that was the introduction to ... splat! Memory crash! Rebooting takes some time... It wasn't Gunsmoke, that was a western. This show - not Dick Tracey, either. Police Detective, in Los Angeles, in black and white, in the '50s.... It would be a day like any other day, except for the amazing crime which he and his side kick would proceed to solve, hats pulled down, cigarettes incidental.

And I've been to see Chicken Little, The Movie. My desperate hopes for a hero and happy ending were realised! And the jokes, especially the music references the pig, Runt, makes were fun.

Brokeback Mountain... I'm sorry I ever called it Mountain Boy Lovers! Not a classical nor Shakesperian tradgedy in a strict sense - main man not undone by character flaw nor inescapable circumstances, because he isn't, in the end, undone. Deserves to be in the canon for a very long time, excellent. Hope it gets all the Oscars it's nominated for.

Memoirs of a Geisha? lovely but unsatisfactory for trying to make visual richness satisfy where words of explanation were wanted. Story-book ending didn't fit.

But both about people caught, their spirits breaking because their lives don't care for them and are unbendable. Is this the current tragic theme? Same in the Italian film at Film Society last night, translates to The Consequences of Love.

Tirade on another line...
I keep recalling the statement that the US Constitution is out of date and needs serious revision. Read that somewhere. Absolute blasphemy! Let's rewrite the Bible, bring it up to date. Let's you and me change the Contract because we know better, and don't like the existing one any more. Wouldn't surprise me if the Constitution rewritter also supports Israeli expansion, as a way to hurry the second coming. Where does such 'I'm okay, you're dirt' arrogance derive?

Talked to a lot of people on the phone recently. Frances's mates J and P are well. They all went to a Valentine Cafe Saturday. J says Frances looked well. Frances herself didn't remember much about it. She did tell me about setting out to drive to the Mall. Got tired, Dad had to take over.

'Tired'. I still think it means 'confused'. But she remains perky. I hope they're eating well. Haven't felt I could ask. I am plotting a return visit, to take in neice T's senior flute recital in North Carolina, and the Kentucky Derby! Never been in River City for that! Party or what?

That's the picture of Henry at work. The black thing with holes, behind him, is a file box; he sits on my monitor. I think he's okay; he's still not sure if he wouldn't rather be home.


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