20 February 2006


I'm bored. The boss is not giving me any new work, and I've finished what I had. I've eaten my lunch. I've solved both today's and the saved sudoku . I've moved up 2 places on the Masterword ladder. I've briefed my colleague about the meeting at 1400. I've tried to think about what to do.

Had lovely visits at the weekend, with women I knew from my London social work life in the 1970's (and their current partners). If I moved to the U.S. that depth of context would go, and I might also get bored. I'd need to find work with a pension and health plan.

Henry covers his own boredom by suggesting I'm just tired. He's pleased I got a TV, because watching and knitting are better precursors to sleep than Stumbling. (O is pleased about the TV too - she told me to get one, and was delighted I minded her. Not many people 'mind' her these days.) We're all thrilled that Brokeback Mountain won best picture at the BAFTA awards last night.


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