05 April 2006

Six of one...

Henry's not been talking to me much lately. We exchange brief glances at work.

I've gradually come to feel back in an accustomed place, this life I have here. At the same time my Louisville life ebbs.

Then I get feedback forms from a couple of my What Next? clients, both very positive about the work we did. It reminds me of how exciting that was to get going, and I'm doing nothing like it here now.

My place at work is settling down. My immediate boss, S, has learned some nice things. He remembers to give credit to me when he cites an idea of mine, and in my annual Individual Development Plan meeting (annual appraisal, in other companies) he said something along the lines of valuing my general input - I'm basically helpful to have around.

That was nice because that's rather how I experience the way I move at work - putting bits in here and there as I see the need.

But my projects are to find and put in systems to monitor traffic and water. I'm not sure if that's just not a bit boring. Even with the occassional trip to Amsterdam for an exhibition.

I know things are a bit better because my nails were all splitting when I first got back. Now they're staying solid, and I bought new polish (a translucent pale apricot) and put it on. Need to get clothes organised next.

I did get my car windscreen repaired; and have made the insurance claim to fix the dent in the bonnet where some 'yuff' kneeded it (at least, that's the shape of the dent). Don't know if it happened in Faversham or Dover - either is possible. Want to move in safe places, but I'm not sure that's possible any more.

And I did membership letters for Friends of the Creek. So I'm mustering positive actions. And not drinking a bottle of wine every night. Even caught up with the dishes.

Frances fell at Sunday School, broke her wrist - happy with the shiny green cast on it, but I bet Dad is having to do more in the house, as well as drive her everywhere. Thank goodness she's not driving! She fell again a couple of days later at home, hurt her nose. What's that about?

Henry would probably say 'Whatever', being in that mood.


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