15 May 2006

My Louisville Nail Polish is Peeling

The stuff I've not been writing about is, work; home UK; home KY; Ypres; friends.

Henry's fed up with me. We both know it's a good thing we I write stuff down. He looks at me as I leave him behind in Dover at the end of each work day: So, you gonna do it? I've been avoiding his gaze at that time. I stroke him very occassionally at other times; he usually looks away. Stress in human/baby penguin relationships isn't so odd, I guess.

But here I am now, avoiding going to bed. So. Barbara is being my best friend, and I hers I think. Lots of this is about not knowing how normal people do relationship, especially close and intimate. And we are also happy to be quiet, and seem to both have a slowish pace. Makes for good companionship.

Ypres - okay, I've forgotten how to add the easy web links. Anyway. I'd not been since 2000, and it was great. Bus trip to the Dolle Brewers, Essen (www.dedollebrouwers.be). Really good music, English and Flemish. Relaxabile, where Louisville and the Derby wasn't.

The publicity for the Derby promises a huge gala, and in fact they have to keep beating the drum. Not that things aren't intrinsicly okay, like the Steamboat Race. But. All the stuff I'd projected 'oh, goody!' onto was a let-down. Perhaps I was just tired.

Certainly Tiffany's Senior Recital was 97%. She did loose concentration just now and then. I guess she's a star, not a superstar. And while parents have done a round trip to Kingston Tennessee in one day, 12 hours, last week, they may have had trouble getting to the concert without me to help drive.

I do hope that's true; it's the core reason I went when I did.

Home UK. On the market for £137,500 for 2.5 weeks; lots of particulars sent, no viewings yet. Probably going to have to settle for £135,000. Flat I want hasn't had any offers over mine for £130,000 so that's good news. We're all holding fingers crossed while breathing slowly.

I think I'll get the exterior painting done - it looks bad, as it is. There is conflict between 'I'm moving, don't buy anything to store stuff' and 'it's obvious I find place too small, who will want to buy'. Humph. Henry's looking out the window at Berths 8 & 9.

Leaving, work: wish it were 'leaving work'. Manager's manager is command and control; I hardly know how to be polite in those circumstances, anymore. But we ICT Developers are probably a completely isolated pocket. We wonder how long it will take for Them to close in, and we try to look like we're just keeping out heads down, extremely productively. Except for me of course, being the tallest flower.

Okay, Henry. I'll go to bed right now. By 2400 at least...


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