14 January 2006

Moving Day

Freinds with a truck will come around 3 pm to take away furniture - bed, kitchen table, wonderful desk I type at and piano bench holding me up; beautiful rocking chair (Henry sits on it in his photo).

It occurs to me I ought to give thank-you presents... Guess I can organise that later, I've got 4 days or so.

Who will want my little plant? What shall I do with this loyal laptop? Why have I allowed this to drag out so, almost to the point of criticality?

My Chalice Circle gave me the beautiful Chalice necklace A makes, to remember them by. I haven't gone for breakfast at Waffle House with O - need at least to pretend I'm taking today seriously.

Wonder how blogging will work on my Dad's old machine? He is getting cable internet installed today, and he and Frances have decided to put me on their Power of Attorney and Health Surrogates document. Dad certainly didn't mention that these decisions were the topic of lunch Monday with McA. Nor did I say it was the topic of a meeting with McA and others 10 days ago. I've become a successful plotter - dangerous.

Henry says I'd better get to work, packing and sorting. He doesn't care that I do have pretty coloured post-its to use as lables for what's been sorted.


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